Local Marketing

micro influencer Posing for Photos in front of 4 smartphone cameras

What are micro influencers and how can they market my business?

You can be the Beauty, or you can be the Beast. In our new social media world, the prettiest faces (male or female) rise to the top of the algorithm. The average-looking people have to be innovative and strategic to gain ground on the algorithm, and their position is never secure. There’s no shortage of […]

What are micro influencers and how can they market my business? Read More »

Transportation map planning meeting team

5 Best Hyperlocal Marketing strategies

The world evolves in cycles; hyperlocal marketing and advertising are one of them. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hyperlocal as “limited to a very small geographical area.” Therefore, hyperlocal marketing is defined as “marketing to a very small geographical area.” In this article, I will break down 5 different tactics and approaches to marketing your business

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